Dedicated notification sink?

Georg Chini georg at
Sat May 4 10:07:55 UTC 2024

Hi Mark,

there are module-role-cork and module-role-ducking which provide the 
kind of functionality
you are looking for. If you have a stream with "role1" assigned, which 
should duck all other
streams, the command would be something like

pactl load-module module-role-ducking trigger_roles="role1" 
ducking_roles="any_role" global=1

The grouping of roles works for both, module-role-cork and 
module-role-ducking even though
it is only mentioned in the description of module-role-ducking.
(pacmd describe-module module-role-ducking) You can use the special 
roles "any_role" to specify
all streams and "no_role" for those streams that do not have a role 

The main problem is to make sure that your (trigger) streams always have 
the correct role,
so you have to set the media.role property somehow.


On 04.05.24 10:27, Mark Gaiser wrote:
> Hi,
> Let me first try to describe what I'm trying to do. Perhaps there is 
> an existing solution for this already that I haven't found yet.
> This is mostly for home automation purposes. Imagine you have a DIY 
> speaker with a raspberry pi. You use it to play music on. Perhaps even 
> with a higher quality DAC. The gist is that you have a linux-based 
> speaker that uses pulseaudio for playback.
> Now you want to send an audio notification. What you would want to do is:
> - Whatever is currently playing, lower it's volume
> - Play the notification at a louder volume
> - Resume to whatever was playing at whatever volume it was
> Are there any ways that one can achieve the above with the current 
> pulseaudio version?
> The following is a brainstorm! What I'm thinking is if it would be 
> possible to make a pulseaudio module that registers its own dedicated 
> sink. When audio is being sent to that sink then it would lower the 
> volume on the other sinks. When no more audio is sent the other sinks 
> get restored to whatever their level was. Audio played on this 
> "notification sink" is boosted a little. All these options should be 
> configurable. Would such a plugin even be possible in pulseaudio? I 
> guess I'm asking if a plugin has the capabilities to modify the output 
> of other sinks?
> I'm looking forward to what you folks think.
> Hopefully it's all already possible :) That sure is a million times 
> easier!
> Best regards,
> Mark

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