X.org Foundation - Release Wranglers Call Minutes - 16th April 2004
Howard Greenwell
h.greenwell at opengroup.org
Sat Apr 17 02:05:35 EST 2004
Alan Coopersmith
Egbert Eich
Jim Gettys
Howard Greenwell
Stuart Kreitman
Kevin Martin
Leon Shiman
Daniel Stone
1. Status
Release done.
Web still has references to 6.6 - Howard to look into fixing web-site.
2. Post-Mortem.
a) Documentation.
Biggest problem was to get the documentation updated. All documentation
seemed to be pushed to the end.
Release notes have to be pushed to the end. Hoping now that XFree86 issues
resolved, may be easier in future.
Jim commented that lots of XFree86 docs are in old SGML.
Egbert mentioned that there are some translations into XML. Coversion to
XML would be appropriate.
Needs to be able to be handled by modern tools for XML. (Eric Raymond says
tools for Linux are poor).
Eric says has a "doclister" product that he wrote, and has tools to do the
All are part of a Fedora 1 / Red Hat 9 installation.
Jim suggesting that we should go with these tools, and start converting the
Jim will circulate the details to the release wranglers list.
Happy to experiment on changes to the docs, but not to throw away what we
have. Suggesting tool call "doxygen" to mix code and document.
Egbert not happy to mix documentation and code. Needs too much discipline.
Jim summarized that people, as time permits,
- people should convert documents to "docbook XML"
- "doclister" can be used for "man" pages.
Egbert asked if there is a good tool to edit XML which helps with the
markup. Jim will talk to Eric, also mentioned XML mode in Emacs.
Daniel thinks there there is a KXML used in KDE.
Leon will also investigate what is available in other areas that that XML
is more prevelent.
b) Release Tags.
Mis-understnading about release tags - minor and has been fixed. Everyone
happy now, and change in tags documented in code.
c) Tree Branch
Issue with SUN making new branch on the release branch - Alan explained it
was a timing issue. Will merge back in when back from sick leave.
Egbert will help with merge back to branch on CURRENT if Necessary. SUN to
contact Egbert if help requested.
No other items mentioned. Egbert thought the release worked rather well.
d) Development Confusion
Daniel mentioned confusion of where main development is going on. Confusion
with the Xouvert project.
Should update the Wiki page - a line or two on the Project Info page would
help direct people to the right place.
Suggest the name should be changed. Some suggests made. Jim and Daniel will
discuss what the server name might be in the modular development.
3. Modular/Monolithic
Daniel has problems with Monolithic tree. Issues of initial loading, and
also pulling in things like fonts, which may not be used.
Egbert said could be easy to build with new driver included. Daniel disagreed.
Discussion of how to promote binary compatibility. Should not have to
rebuild drivers every time X is rebuilt.
Jim commented already had a good modular structure. Egbert noted that the
transport is in at least 4 places.
Jim feels there should be a good abstract interface and have the transport
as a separate library to be linked to dynamically. Egbert approved.
Stuart interjected that he is not against the modular tree. Does have good
advantages - but does not feel these are enough to change his delivery
schedules to move from the monolithic tree.
Egbert suggested that the "modular" and "imake" environments should try to
live together in the one tree to make both in the next release.
To be continued on next call on Monday.
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