XOrg Foundation Opens Membership and Elections
Leon Shiman
leon at magic.shiman.com
Mon Apr 19 22:52:14 EST 2004
To active developers and users of the X Window System:
You are invited to join and help shape the direction of the new X.Org
Foundation. Membership in the X.Org Foundation is now open and free.
Applications for membership are sought from all contributors to the X
and Desktop communities.
The Interim Board of directors has established that examples of acceptable
contributions that will qualify you for membership in the Foundation include
coding, bug-fixing, testing, design, documentation, translation,
administration or maintenance of project-wide resources, speaking at
conferences, and supporting bugzilla or release management.
Should you wish to apply for free membership in the X.Org Foundation, then
please visit:
All Members are eligible for election to the Board of Directors and the
Architecture Group of the XOrg Foundation. The XOrg Foundation is now
seeking nominations for candidates for election to these groups.
Nominations for each election are open until 23.59 PDT on Friday 30th April
2004 for those Members of the X.Org Foundation who wish to stand for
election. You may nominate yourself for election. You may not nominate any
other member.
There will be 8 people elected to each of the Board of Directors and the
Architecture Group. In this first year of the X.Org Foundation, the four
candidates polling the most votes in each election will be granted a two
year term of office (until June 2006), and the next four candidates will
receive 1 year term of office (until June 2005). In subsequent years, four
seats of each group will be re-elected in the annual elections.
It is permissible for a candidate to stand for election for both the Board
of Directors and the Architecture Group.
The responsibilities of an elected person are detailed in the current
Bylaws of the X.Org Foundation, which can be found at:
In addition, an elected person will be required to attend the annual
meeting of the X.Org Foundation, which will be held a location determined
in advance by the Board of Directors.
Should you wish to enter your candidacy for these elections, then please
prepare a personal statement of up to 200 words that can be provided to
prospective voters. This statement, and the statement of contribution to
the X.Org Foundation (which you completed when applying for membership)
will be made available to all voters to help them make their voting
Once you have completed your personal statement, then you may visit:
to enter your candidacy for the X.Org Foundation elections.
We look forward to your membership and candidacy submissions,
The Interim Board
X.Org Foundation.
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