Flash/Mozilla/Composite bug details?

Alan Coopersmith Alan.Coopersmith at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 13 10:31:38 PDT 2004

I've found the group at Sun who has been working with Macromedia
on the Flash plugin for Mozilla.  (Unfortunately, it's already
past the end of their Friday work day, so I can't talk to them
until Monday.)

Can someone send an explanation between now and Monday of what the
bug in Flash is and what they need to do with the way they handle
visuals to fix it?   (Perhaps even a simple test case - is it just
build the CVS head, turn on composite and try to run Flash?)

If so, I'll pass that on to our people here to see if they can get
it to their contacts at Macromedia to get it fixed.

	-Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at sun.com
	 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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