Are we doing a release wrangers (phone or IRC) call on friday (2004-11-12) or monday (2004-11-15) ?

Roland Mainz roland.mainz at
Wed Nov 10 19:52:47 PST 2004



When should we do the next release wrangers (phone) call ? Several
people (including AFAIK all directors) were traveling this week so
I am not 100% confident to make a release-wrangers call on friday - so
my proposal would be to make the next release-wrangers call on monday
(2004-11-15, usual time (11:00EST, 8:00PST, 5:00PM CET)).

Alternatively we would do the whole conference on IRC (=no phone) if
anyone agrees with that (that may be easier when going throught the
patches as we can simply post the links where people can simply "click"
on the link (if you use IRC clients like Mozilla's Chatzilla)).

- Get list of module owners populated (Torrey already filed his email,
I'll do that in a few mins)
- Discuss patches (I'll post a list of bug ids, seperated in categories
"normal", "feature patch", "patch for module owner subtree") and
"approve", "reject" or "defer" (=push approval/rejection to another conf
call if there are issues which need to be investigated) them 



P.S.: Who can host the call ? I am likely unable to do that myself...

  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 7950090
 (;O/ \/ \O;)

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