Are we doing a X11R6.8.x maintaince release ?

Daniel Stone daniel at
Tue Oct 12 07:58:16 PDT 2004

On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 10:55:20AM -0400, Leon Shiman wrote:
> we've begun to discuss this (with too few participants) on the open (and 
> free in the US) Friday Wrangler's calls. we do need guidelines.  kevin made 
> a good start. they were distributed to the members. we need help to finish 
> them.

They're only 60c/hr from Australia, even, if you have the right setup,
but jesus, it's late. :)

> >Having said all of the above, I believe there is sufficient number
> >of interested developers and distributions to maintain at least the
> >stable branches that are actively shipped and supported in various
> >OS distributions out there, so it's basically just a matter of everyone
> >getting together to discuss the details.
> >
> I agree there should be enough, but we need them to raise their voices.
> I'd just like to hear who's able and willing to commit his/her time? As I 
> see it, we need a list of dependable people who are available if/when 
> needed. needs to grow well beyond the current small group.

I think the lists need to be used as much as, if not more than, the
calls.  Calls are good for intense discussions where email really isn't
good enough to resolve issues (and this comes up reasonably often,
yeah), but for those of us in wacky timezones or whatever, they're not
always the best choice.

Daniel Stone                                            <daniel at> powering your desktop      
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