Are we doing a X11R6.8.x maintaince release ?

Roland Mainz roland.mainz at
Tue Oct 12 15:36:10 PDT 2004

Leon Shiman wrote:
> we've begun to discuss this (with too few participants) on the open (and
> free in the US) Friday Wrangler's calls. we do need guidelines.  kevin made
> a good start. they were distributed to the members. we need help to finish
> them.

I agree with Kevin's proposal with one nit: Module owners should review
any patches when they applied to the "stable" branch and touch their
territory (which leads to the next problem: There are no "written" rules
yet about module owners and their rights and duties nor a list "who owns
which module in the xc/ tree") ...

> >Some X.Org and/or external X developers may not want to be involved at
> >all in any bugfixing for point releases.  If this turns out to be the
> >case, I think that is also fine, as the people who want the releases
> >should be the ones responsible for doing them.  Since this is all mostly
> >volunteer developer work, it wouldn't be fair to expect volunteers
> >to contribute and maintain old code they're no longer interested in.
> >
> >I mention the last part since it's the only reason I can think of for
> >which someone might object to the idea of point releases - if it were
> >to make them more work.  If they're not obligated to do so however, I
> >can't see it as being a problem if others are willing to do such work.
> >
> >Having said all of the above, I believe there is sufficient number
> >of interested developers and distributions to maintain at least the
> >stable branches that are actively shipped and supported in various
> >OS distributions out there, so it's basically just a matter of everyone
> >getting together to discuss the details.
> I agree there should be enough, but we need them to raise their voices.
> I'd just like to hear who's able and willing to commit his/her time?

Mhhh... what about Alan Coopersmith or Egbert Eich (if they want that
job :) ? :)



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 7950090
 (;O/ \/ \O;)

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