[SCIM] Re: [Uim] scim-hangul 0.0.1 is available.

yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp
Tue Aug 3 08:11:18 PDT 2004


> However, I was under the impression that UIM's uim-hangul2 and 
> uim-hangul3 were improvements upon imhangul? I remember being introduced 
> to UIM after asking a question about imhangul, but I'm not entirely sure 
> it was *this* imhangul, of course. At any rate, perhaps we'd better ask 
> the UIM team about it.
uim-hangul2 and uim-hangul3 is very naive implementation based on tables.
I think it is as usable as emacs's leim module if I fix current breakage.
However, scim-hangul is based on Choe's sophisticated code. So
 *It support more variants.
 *I has more features. (I should read the code and study Hangul more to understand.)
 *We can ask Choe if there are problems or requests.
  (Actually, he said he can help.)

Anyway, now we can say CJK support is here!

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