[SCIM] left click menu of the system tray icon contain no input methods

LiuCougar liucougar at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 16:05:28 UTC 2004

what's your distribution and did you compile qt with qt-immodule?

try adding this line into your .Xclients
export QT_IM_MODULE=scim

Good luck
On Sun, 3 Oct 2004 19:05:26 -0300, Francisco Hidalgo Solá
<fhidalgosola at yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
> Ok, first of, I´ve read all the documentation and searched everywere and I
> couln´t find any solution to this problem. I followed the instalation
> instructions more than once and on different versions of skim and no luck.
> Here is what I´ve installed:
> I created a .Xclients file with the following contents:
> export GTK_IM_MODULE=scim
> export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM
> export LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.GBK"
> startkde
> LC_TYPE exactlly as in the documentation but I guess it could be changed.
> I checked and all these environment variables are correctly loaded.
> In any GTK+ app I can write in japanese without problems at all, it works
> great, the panel displays the imput methods and everything is fine. But in
> any KDE app it just doesn´t work.
> I tried to start skim directlly or manually as in the docs, always the same.
> The processes running are these:
> fran at ukyo fran $ ps ax |grep scim
> 21957 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-launcher-daemon kconfig all
> socket 0 none stderr --no-stay
> 21959 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-launcher-daemon socket
> socket x11 0 none stderr
> 21962 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/bin/skim --np skimplugin_scim -c socket -o
> none -d --no-stay
> 21963 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/skim --np skimplugin_scim -c socket -o
> none -d --no-stay
> 21964 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/skim --np skimplugin_scim -c socket -o
> none -d --no-stay
> I really don´t know what else to look at, the system tray menu keeps blank.
> Maybe you see were I´m going wrong, since it´s a mistery to me. I´ve been
> hours trying to find a solution. So if anyone can find a solution I will
> really appreciate it.
> Thank you very much
> Francisco
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