[Spice-devel] [PATCH] spice: vdagent: add basic clipboard support

Alexander Larsson alexl at redhat.com
Wed Aug 18 05:15:03 PDT 2010

On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 12:58 +0300, Arnon Gilboa wrote:
> From: Arnon Gilboa <agilboa at agilboa.usersys.redhat.com>
> -currently supports text only (UTF8)
> -add VDAgent::dispatch_message()
> -in VDAgent::read_completion() handle multi-chunk msgs
> -fix chunk size bug in VDService::handle_pipe_data()
> -add size to VDPipeMessage

This reads out the clipboard and writes it to the client on every
change. This is bad for two reasons:

1) It sends a lot of data to the client when it might not be needed
2) It always forces clipboard using apps to serialize any clip board
data it has to text and pass it to windows every time someone copies and
pastes. This is unnecessary in most cases since cut and paste is mostly
intra-application. Additionally it may be costly since if you copy
something more complex like pdf or html extracting the text from it may
not be trivial.

I know we discussed this on irc. What is the status of that?

I guess we could split out the pure bugfixes from this and commit

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl at redhat.com            alexander.larsson at gmail.com 
He's a globe-trotting amnesiac grifter possessed of the uncanny powers of an 
insect. She's a sarcastic junkie snake charmer with a birthmark shaped like 
Liberty's torch. They fight crime! 

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