[Spice-devel] How can the QXL Driver work?

Alon Levy alevy at redhat.com
Mon Dec 13 01:43:50 PST 2010

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 04:26:23PM +0800, lin gu wrote:
> When I install a OS in the VM,it already has a Graphics Driver.When I
> install a QXL Driver later,how can it work?
> It will replace the OS Graphics Driver or work together with  the OS
> Graphics Driver?
> When a application request the OS graphic engine,the commands will pass to
> the the OS Graphics Driver or the QXL Driver or first OS Graphics Driver
> then QXL Driver?

The OS will boot up with a different graphics card, the QXL one, it will then
not find a driver, use the default vga driver, until the point that you install
the qxl driver, and then it will work as normal.

IOW, it's exactly like replacing a hardware graphics card.

Yet another IOW, if you look at device manager when booting without qxl device, you'll
see one graphics card (the default that qemu starts with, cirrus I think), an if you
look at it when booting the VM with spice and qxl device, you will see a different card,
the QXL device.

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