[Spice-devel] [PATCH spice] spicec: Do not try to do accounting of pci memory

Gerd Hoffmann kraxel at redhat.com
Mon Oct 11 01:22:21 PDT 2010


> This patch fixes this by simply removing the
> "attempted" pci memory accounting. As there is no
> need for that, as the driver already must keep
> track of pci memory usage.

Is this actually about pci memory?

> Note the calculating of the glz_window_size in
> red_client.cpp cannot be removed as the calculated
> value is send as part of the SpiceMsgcDisplayInit on
> connect.

I think this is more about how much memory the client is willing to 
spend for the glz window.  The server needs to take care when encoding 
the bits, thats why the client passes the size in the init message.  The 
PCI memory might be another server-side constraint, but that is nothing 
the client has to worry about.

The accounding is not needed indeed.  The server informs the client 
about the oldest image it will use for glz references, anything older 
can be released by the client, there is no need to keep track of the 
memory consumption on the client side.

Nevertheless the hanging client might point to a server (or guest 
driver?) side issue though.  Maybe the server uses a larger glz window 
than the client is willing to allow, which in turn trips up the client 
side accounting?

ACK & cheers,

PS: For reference: the glz decoder of the gtk based client is here: 

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