[Spice-devel] About spice-xpi firefox version Compatiblity

Antonio Perez-Aranda aperezaranda at yaco.es
Mon Nov 14 02:42:31 PST 2011

Well, After some test, I get the plugin running by adding libnsISpicec
 libraries on /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
But I can get it running with librarys on user profile.

Another Question is ¿Can I embed like a flash on a classic page with a
specific size?

With something like this:

<embed type="application/x-spice" width=640 height=480>

I always get a new window with a Spice handler.

2011/11/9 Antonio Perez-Aranda <aperezaranda at yaco.es>:
> Hi all,
> I'm tring to running spice-xpi on Firefox 7.0 but it say me that
> plugin is incompatible.
> I modify the install.rdf to allow install until firefox 10.0 and I'm
> disable the compatibility check on install. But when I try to load
> "test.html" from git it say me that the plugins are required.
> Do you plan support recent Firefox versions?
> Thanks
> --
> Antonio Pérez-Aranda Alcaide
> aperezaranda at yaco.es
> Yaco Sistemas S.L.
> http://www.yaco.es/
> C/ Rioja 5, 41001 Sevilla
> Teléfono +34 954 50 00 57
> Fax      +34 954 50 09 29

Antonio Pérez-Aranda Alcaide
aperezaranda at yaco.es

Yaco Sistemas S.L.
C/ Rioja 5, 41001 Sevilla
Teléfono +34 954 50 00 57
Fax      +34 954 50 09 29

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