[Spice-devel] Windows binary download?

Charles Wilson mingw at cwilson.fastmail.fm
Thu Feb 16 10:51:13 PST 2012

On 2/14/2012 6:44 PM, Marc-André Lureau wrote:
>> Le 14/02/2012 17:31, Charles Wilson a écrit :
>>> an error popup complaining about a missing 'libp11-kit-0.dll'
> Meanwhile you can copy this file under \virt-viewer\bin:
> http://elmarco.fedorapeople.org/libp11-kit-0.dll
> sorry for that! we need to work on a better solution for a
> combination of a custom nsis script + automated depedencies, it
> should be doable

Well, after downloading that dll, at least remote-viewer --help works.
The next question is...how do I "translate" my old (win32) spicec
command line?

With spicec, I typically did the following:

1) set up an ssh tunnel like so:

ssh -N -f -L localhost:15900:virthost:5900 -L
localhost:15901:virthost:5901 virthost.public.fqdn

2) invoke spicec as

spicec.exe -h -p 15900 -s 15901 --host-subject
'subject_string' --password 'mypass'

This would invoke spicec on the client machine, connected to ports 15900
and 15901 on the loopback interface -- which my pre-existing ssh tunnel
would forward to the actual remote host, on its 5900 and 5901 ports
(thus tunnelling the connection thru my remote's firewall).

(sadly, with the old win32 spicec implementation, --secure-channels
main,display,inputs,cursor,playback,record did not work...something
about mismatched SSL versions.)

How do I do something similar with virt-viewer (or is it remote-viewer)?
 It seems that, other than --host-subject, all the connection data
should be part of the (undocumented) "URI" command line argument --
except there appears to be no way to specify the spice connection password.

Side notes:
1) for spicec I installed spice_truststore.pem in /c/Documents and
Settings/$USER/Application Data/spicec/  Is that the same for win32
2) what's this about -d turning off "automatic tunnels"? Auto-tunnelling


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