[Spice-devel] Remote access for a physical machine

Alon Levy alevy at redhat.com
Tue Jan 24 01:45:34 PST 2012

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 08:56:55AM +0100, Mellado García, Oscar (FA) wrote:
>    Hi, good morning. First, excuse for my English if I have any mistake.
>    My name is Oscar and I am the technical director of an R&D project in
>    which we are testing several solutions for remote access to machines
>    (PCoIP, RGS from HPג& I do not know if you know these protocols.
>    How we are using now as Operating System, RHEL 6.0, we are checking the
>    SPICE as a possibility.
>    In your main page, you proclaim that the Spice project plans to provide
>    additional solutions, including the remote access for a physical machine.
>    So my question are:
>      * Does the current version provides this capability?

There is a standalone X server, it's packaged for fedora as
xorg-x11-server-Xspice. There is no sharing of an existing X server yet,
I do want to have it but no TOA.

For windows machines I know it can be done with a mirror driver, but no
plans right now to do that. You could of course build the standalone X
server for windows too, but haven't done that either.

>      * If not, are you thinking of do that?
>    Thanks you in advanceג&
>    Óscar Mellado García
>    Jefe Técnico I+D CATIZ
>    Dpto. Diseño Sistemas. FABA.
>    Ctra. Carraca s/n
>    11100. San Fernando. Cádiz (Spain)
>    (: +34 956 59 9915 / 689 22 75 30 (49915)
>    [1]www.navantia.es
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