[Spice-devel] Xspice fails on F17 and Ubuntu 12.04

Eugene San eugenesan at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 10:38:41 PDT 2012

Hi all,

Recently I've performed an atempt to setup and run Xspice.

I have tried on F17 and Ubuntu12.04.
On Fedora I used prebult binary. It runs but client connects and
disconnects immidiatly and silently.

On Ubuntu I've built from latest qxl release and Xorg segfaults silently
during the init.

Brief dubug session didn'd bring any results.

My questions are:
1. What was the setup Xspice worked lately?
2. Can I have some advices in order to get it working?
3. Are there any plans for pushing Xspice a little more, especially in
light of raising compositors usage and upcoming wayland, making current
remote desktop solutions pretty useless?

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