[Spice-devel] Xspice fails on F17 and Ubuntu 12.04

Alon Levy alevy at redhat.com
Wed Mar 14 04:49:34 PDT 2012

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 07:38:41PM +0200, Eugene San wrote:
>    Hi all,
>    Recently I've performed an atempt to setup and run Xspice.
>    I have tried on F17 and Ubuntu12.04.
>    On Fedora I used prebult binary. It runs but client connects and
>    disconnects immidiatly and silently.

I just tried:

It works with spicec, spicy, remote-viewer

There is a fixed bug I need to respin Xspice for (up/down keys not
working correctly) but other then that, it connects, works - I run icewm
and gimp on that for testing.

>    On Ubuntu I've built from latest qxl release and Xorg segfaults silently
>    during the init.

I would gladly look at any backtrace.

>    Brief dubug session didn'd bring any results.
>    My questions are:
>    1. What was the setup Xspice worked lately?

>    2. Can I have some advices in order to get it working?
I run it with:
Xspice :10.0 --port 15000 --disable-ticketing --tls-port 0

Then I set DISPLAY=:10.0 and run a window manager etc.

>    3. Are there any plans for pushing Xspice a little more, especially in
>    light of raising compositors usage and upcoming wayland, making current
>    remote desktop solutions pretty useless?

I'm working on getting the agent working with it (copy&paste, client
side mouse). I have intentions (the precursor to plans) to make it work
with wayland (that would probably require a more direct connection with
spice-server and not a reuse of xf86-video-qxl).

>    Thanks

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