[Spice-devel] Can USB redirection be enabled on windows client?

Dominique Rodrigues dominique.rodrigues at nanocloud.com
Sun Mar 18 07:25:26 PDT 2012

I think there is a misunderstanding Andrew.

The initial question was "if I work in a physical windows environment, 
is my spice-gtk client for windows able to enable USB redirection 
between my workstation and any virtual machine under Linux, Windows or 
whatever ?".  Arnon replied that up to now, the anwser is no.

If you work under Linux (I personnaly use Mageia on my workstation and 
Debian on my servers), USB redirection can be done towards any virtual 
machine, Linux or Windows.

This works also for me with Windows Seven and Windows Server 2008. I 
have recompiled qemu-kvm with usbredir library for Mageia and Debian, 
and it works fine.


        Dominique Rodrigues

nanoClouD <http://www.nanocloud.com>
8, rue Lemercier
75017 Paris
standard : +33 1 77 69 64 38
529 002 743 R.C.S. Paris

Le 18/03/2012 13:48, Andrew Osborne a écrit :
> Hi Suyi
> Fedora 16 does have support for USB redirection in Windows XP as we have a School with 45 spice clients machines using it.
> You will noticed a 20-30% increase in CPU usage with spice redirection on Fedora 16, although this should be see as a sandbox.
> Here are some links that will help you set this up.
> http://hansdegoede.livejournal.com/11084.html
> Amador who runs this site as some good instructions.
> http://www.ucs.br/projetos/osdvt/index.php/Home
> Kind regards
> Andrew
> On 18 Mar 2012, at 08:31, Arnon Gilboa<agilboa at redhat.com>  wrote:
>> spice-gtk windows client support for USB redir is still under development. Patches will be posted very soon.
>> The old spicec client for windows supports USB redir using Incentives Pro's product.
>> Arnon
>> Andrew Osborne wrote:
>>> Works with Fedora 16 and WinXp as client
>>> Andrew
>>> On 17 Mar 2012, at 18:03, Dominique Rodrigues<dominique.rodrigues at nanocloud.com>  wrote:
>>>> If I remember well (TBC by spice developers), USB redirection works now only for a Linux client and should be a feature for Microsoft operating systems (no idea when).
>>>> Dominique Rodrigues
>>>> <nanologo_small.png>  Le 17/03/2012 18:48, wangsuyi640 a écrit :
>>>>> Hi all:
>>>>>    Can USB redirection be enabled on windows client of spice?  There is no option for me to choose set USB redirection on the windows client.
>>>>> Can anyone help me ?  My client OS is windows XP 3.
>>>>> Thanks a lot!
>>>>> Yours Sinerely!
>>>>> suyi
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