[Spice-devel] [RFC] Implement of file drag-and-drop between host and guest

Dunrong Huang riegamaths at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 20:08:39 PDT 2012


Thanks for your reply.

2012/10/23 Hans de Goede <hdegoede at redhat.com>:
> Hi,
> On 10/22/2012 12:02 PM, Arnon Gilboa wrote:
>> Alon Levy wrote:
>>> We could also use the existing SPICE_CLIENT_AGENT_DATA message, extending
>>> the ports to include an additional client port, keeping it compatible with
>>> multiple clients in the future. But otoh I like that your suggestion is
>>> simpler, I don't like that multiplexing that much.
>> Adding d'n'd support to the agent and extending the agent protocol looks
>> simpler/better than adding a new daemon. It also has some similarities to
>> clipboard sharing.
> Exactly, since this needs some client side daemon this belongs in the
> existing
> spice-agent, not in some new daemon. We could easily add new agent messages
> + capability for this. Note that since these files can be big we need to
> be able to deal with sending files in chunks, so that other agent messages
> can still get through at the same time.
I wanted to use a new port for transfering files, so that other agent messages
could still get through when sending file. But it's simpler to reuse
the existing port and
extend the agent message as you suggest.

> I've actually been thinking about adding client -> guest support for this
> for a while, we could simply make a file dragged to the client show
> up on the guest desktop. Note that for large files we will want to
> show a non-model progress window with a cancel button, something else
> which the new agent messages will need to handel (cancellation).
This makes sense.
> Patches very much welcome !

> Regards,
> Hans
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Best Regards,

Dunrong Huang

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