[Spice-devel] windows guest file transfer -- am I using the correct howto?

Marc-André Lureau mlureau at redhat.com
Mon Feb 9 06:05:24 PST 2015


----- Original Message -----
> If I try to run from a dos opened as admin this command:
> spice-webdavd.exe -p 9843
> I get a firewall window to allow access. And if I grant then access to all, I
> get an error window
> (spice-webdavd.exe:2424): phodav-ERROR **: The service process could not
> connect to the service controller.
> the same if I disable firewall as a whole.
> is this command executable expected to run also interactively or not?

No, it's a windows service. However, I added some code in git to start
with DEBUG environment, and then it is not registered as a service and
can be run from command line. 

Please try with https://elmarco.fedorapeople.org/spice-webdavd-x86-0.4.16-9457.msi
The service should start.  Stop it and run spice-webdavd from command line,
with G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all and DEBUG=1 environment variables.
Then try to access http://localhost:9843.

With virt-viewer/virt-manager, this should accept the connection and close it because
the webdavd channel is not connected.

With spicy (webdav channel connected), this should actually return the shared folder content.
You should be able to re-connect with different clients without service to stop (or crash..).

Now, I realize Windows services are more problematic than having automatic
restart handled by systemd. spice-webdavd should keep running even if
the channel is not opened, and should restart itself when the channel
is closed. There are a lot of state cleanup that do not exist in
spice-webdavd because it was assumed the process would be restarted.

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