[Spice-devel] USB redirection issue

Pavel Grunt pgrunt at redhat.com
Mon Nov 21 10:24:15 UTC 2016


usb redirection is not compiled in binaries provided on
https://virt-manager.org/download/ because libusb didn't have a
support for UsbDk when the binary was created.

Good news - it has changed recently.


On Mon, 2016-11-21 at 09:46 +0000, InQ-AllenKao wrote:
> Hi, I’m trying to use USB redirection from my thin client to guest
> VM via remote viewer, but it always shows the message: “
> USB redirection support not compiled in”.
> And I already installed virt-viewer 3.0(x86) and UsbDk 1.0.15_x86 on
> my thin client, it can connect to guest VM by remote viewer
> successfully.
> Here is my environment:
>         Thin client: windows7 embedded
>         Host: CentOS 7.2
>         Guest: windows7 pro
>         Hypervisor: qemu-kvm 2.2.0
> Its there anything wrong?
> 高昇毅
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