[Swfdec] Still Alive

Nick Zitzmann seiryu at comcast.net
Wed Nov 19 19:21:19 PST 2008

This was a triumph! I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS.

(OK, I'll stop now.)

Yes, I'm still here. I'm sorry I haven't updated the Mac port in a  
while. I'm still here and working on a new version of the Mac OS X  
port in my own time, which has been quite scarce lately. I've given up  
on trying to get the video decoder to work with QuickTime; without  
header information it just won't work. So I've grudgingly added  
GStreamer to the project, which will increase the framework size and  
force me to dynamically link everything, but at least it'll work.

I'm experiencing one problem right now where, if an SWF embeds an FLV  
file (particularly YouTube's player), then audio plays back normally  
with the correct timing, but video playback is stuck in slow motion  
and goes out of sync very shortly after playback starts. Has anyone  
seen this before? I'm probably making a timing error in my Flash view...

And out of curiosity, has anyone ever tried building Pango from an SVN  
checkout? I've wanted to port Pango's ATSUI back-end to a newer engine  
Apple has implemented, since ATSUI was taken out of the 64-bit version  
of Mac OS X, and this is blocking me from releasing a 64-bit  
framework, and I'm not having much luck. Something about glib  
documentation is breaking autoconf.

Nick Zitzmann

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