[SyncEvolution] Activesync backend use of username property

Graham Cobb g+syncevolution at cobb.uk.net
Fri Feb 21 18:54:44 UTC 2014

On 21/02/14 17:37, Graham Cobb wrote:
> Of course, the reason is because we are abusing the username, which is a
> sync property, to do the job of a source property (to specify the
> account for activesyncd).  Should we change the eas backend to use (for
> example) databaseUser to specify the account?
> Or am I still confused (quite likely)?  

Further investigation has led me to discover that the carddav/caldav
backends work the same way.  They use username and password (and also
cannot be set when just configuring the source).

So, I am obviously confused.  It seems that in both the webdav and
activesync cases, we are specifying a folder (which must be in a
particular user's account) in the source, but we are not specifying the
access control for that account in the source.  Wouldn't it be more
logical to either:

1) Keep database as is, and use databaseUser/databasePassword for the
access control, or

2) Modify the database to only specify the folder name and put the
username, password and url in the peer?

The first case makes webdav and activesync feel like local backends.
The second makes them feel like SyncML peers.  The current situation
doesn't feel like either, to me.

I also note that the current behaviour prevents running a SyncML client
or server with either webdav or activesync as the backend database
underneath.  But presumably that is not a design goal (only file, kde or
evolution are allowed?).

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