[SyncEvolution] Compiling syncevolution on Debian jessie

Graham Cobb g+syncevolution at cobb.uk.net
Sun Feb 9 23:44:56 UTC 2014

On 04/02/14 10:16, Tino Mettler wrote:
> Sorry for asking over and over again, what is your plan for the
> activesyncd package?  AFAICS, it is a requirement for EAS client
> support in syncevolution and I think it would be nice to have this in
> Debian.

I haven't packaged activesyncd.  All I have done is submitted a few
patches to Patrick.  Of course, I also build it myself to test those
patches, but I don't build packages.

I note that Patrick does include activesyncd in his
http://downloads.syncevolution.org/apt repository.  I don't know who
maintains that packaging (I am guessing it is Patrick).

I would also be very happy if activesyncd could become part of Debian.
I have not looked into that.  I am familiar with the debian packaging
tools (from using it in other projects) but not with the debian
processes at all.

> A new libsynthesis package is in Jessie for a few days. I also finished
> a syncevolution package. You can find the source at
> git://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/syncevolution.

Thanks for the info, but I am not going to be able to try it out for a
few weeks (Mobile World Congress owns my life at the moment!).

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