[SyncEvolution] Compiling syncevolution on Debian jessie

Graham Cobb g+syncevolution at cobb.uk.net
Sun Jan 19 16:56:52 UTC 2014

On 18/01/14 19:09, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> On Sat, 2014-01-18 at 09:40 +0000, Graham Cobb wrote:
>> What version of synthesis is required to build the latest syncevolution?
> Usually the one that was bundled with the release. When compiling from
> source, use the libsynthesis from
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/SyncEvolution/libsynthesis

Thanks.  As I am building from the git source I used that version of

One small problem: the syncevolution build finishes by creating the
README, which requires executing the version of syncevolution that has
just been built.  In my case, that doesn't work.

I built libsynthesis, installed it in /usr/local and then told
syncevolution configure to look there (using
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/).  I did
NOT put /usr/local into LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  That is mainly because my
syncevoution testing involves using a script which sets up several
important environment variables, including LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and, in
fact, I do my testing on a different machine).  Anyway, the compilation
all worked but the syncevolution that is built cannot be run.  Which is
fine by me, but not fine for this final stage of the build.

It would be nice if one of several things was possible:

1) The README building script worked out how to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(pkg-config worked out where the library was, after all).

2) I could tell configure to statically link libsynthesis.

3) I could tell configure that the built image won't run and the README
step was dropped.

4) The perl script which creates the README handled syncevolution not
running and put some default text in instead.

The workround was, of course:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib make

but it would be nice if it could be handled automatically.


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