[SyncEvolution] SyncEvolution and SSO on SailfishOS (and Ubuntu)

Graham Cobb g+syncevolution at cobb.uk.net
Sat Jan 4 12:24:38 UTC 2014

On 04/01/14 08:56, Ove Kåven wrote:
> I just got my Jolla phone a few days ago, and now I'm investigating
> porting SyncEvolution to it.

Unfortunately I can't answer any of your questions but I was also about
to start looking at porting SyncEvolution to my new Jolla phone!

Is your goal to run a full SyncEvolution on the phone, so it can
synchronize directly with anything SyncEvolution supports?

I was planning a more modest goal to use SyncEvolution to effectively
act as a client for a remote SyncEvolution server, which would handle
the complexities of synchronizing with everything else.

I was also going to look into any other ways to get a SyncML client on
the phone.

However, I really hadn't started looking at it yet as I have had no time
over Christmas.  I would be very happy to join with your effort.

> If I have to, I could try to change the gSSO implementation so that it
> can deal with the Ubuntu implementation, but I don't run Ubuntu myself,
> so I'd only actually test it on Sailfish...

Unfortunately neither do I.

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