[SyncEvolution] Some events showing wrong time on phone

Jane Atkinson jane at janeatkinson.co.nz
Mon Mar 3 02:47:38 UTC 2014

On 03/03/14 01:31, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> On Sun, 2014-03-02 at 21:07 +1300, Jane Atkinson wrote:
>> I fired up my old copy of Ubuntu 12.04.4, updated it and tested to see
>> if the problem occurs there. It doesn't.
> Interesting. SyncEvolution uses system timezone data parsed by libical.
> There could be a difference between libical 1.0 (in Xubuntu 14.04) and
> older libical (Ubuntu 12.04.4) and/or in the timezone data itself.

It looks as though libical1 may be the culprit.

I installed libical0 and removed libical1. A test event synced correctly.

Then replaced libical0 with libical1 and synced a second test event. The
error occurred with this one.

>> I'd like to report a bug, but I have no idea which package to report it
>> against. Does anyone have any ideas?
> A good start would be a syncevolution-log.html at loglevel=4 showing how
> SyncEvolution transfers one event with Pacific/Auckland timezone to the
> phone. That'll show how the timezones were defined in the event on the
> server, internally, and in the data sent to the phone.
> Doing the same on Ubuntu 12.04.4 would also be helpful as reference for
> a "good" sync.
Do I still need to do this in both (X)ubuntu versions, or would it
suffice to do it with the two different libical versions (which would be
a lot simpler)?

Jane Atkinson

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