[SyncEvolution] [INFO] SoupTransport Failure

Graham Cobb g+syncevolution at cobb.uk.net
Sat Jan 14 11:14:51 UTC 2017

On 14/01/17 09:01, deloptes wrote:
> I think your config is not good, but I have not idea how a carddav/caldav
> setup should look like. sorry. I think you have to wait for someone more
> experienced to assist, or go through the syncevolution guide again.

Here is an example of my script for syncing between local files and
Owncloud (using carddav/caldav). Although this is not using Evolution,
it may help.

By the way, I don't claim this is the only way, or that it is optimal or
that every parameter is required -- my scripts have evolved over time!
But the script below does work.

Note: in that second command, that password= is empty (it is not that I
removed a password). I don't remember if the empty password is needed or

And, as deloptes says, if you are having problems and want to get more
logs, replace the loglevel=1 with loglevel=4 below, and run the sync
with SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=1 (I also specify --daemon=no but that may be
bacause I sometimes need to use gdb on the plugin). Look for logs in

syncevolution --remove @Test_Files

syncevolution --configure password= syncUrl=local://@Test_OC
peerIsClient=1 loglevel=1 Test_OC at Test_Files

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=contacts loglevel=1
Test_OC at Test_Files contacts

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=business loglevel=1
Test_OC at Test_Files business

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=personal loglevel=1
Test_OC at Test_Files personal

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=calendar loglevel=1
Test_OC at Test_Files calendar

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=file
databaseformat=text/vcard @Test_Files contacts

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=file
databaseformat=text/vcard @Test_Files business

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=file
databaseformat=text/vcard @Test_Files personal

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=file
databaseformat=text/calendar @Test_Files calendar

syncevolution --remove @Test_OC

syncevolution --configure --template none username=xxxx printChanges=1
dumpData=1 loglevel=1 target-config at Test_OC

syncevolution --configure password=yyyy syncUrl=workround.gnome.keyring
loglevel=1 target-config at Test_OC

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=contacts loglevel=1
target-config at Test_OC contacts

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=business loglevel=1
target-config at Test_OC business

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=personal loglevel=1
target-config at Test_OC personal

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=calendar loglevel=1
target-config at Test_OC calendar

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=carddav
@Test_OC contacts

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=carddav
@Test_OC business

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=carddav
@Test_OC personal

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=caldav
@Test_OC calendar

syncevolution Test_OC at Test_Files

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