[SyncEvolution] Sync on Debian Stretch

deloptes deloptes at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 18:24:31 UTC 2017

Patrick Ohly wrote:

> So have you built 1.5.2 with libopenobex2 from Debian Stretch and it
> failed? With which phone?

yes - built 1.5.2 with libopenobex2 from Debian Stretch.
phone is Nokia N9
I can't recall now but I think I tested also with older Nokia 5530
Desktop is Trinity - former KDE3

> I'm just asking for the sake of completeness. I probably won't have
> your exact phone either :-/


> What I did is a "configure --disable-shared --enable-static CFLAGS=-g
> CXXFLAGS=-g ..." and then in the build directory I ran
> "SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=10 ./src/syncevolution --daemon=no nokia-n97-mini@
> devices  addressbook".
> This allows running the command under gdb. The interesting line is is
> the error message in ObexTransportAgent::obex_callback. What value does
> obex_rsp have, and why does OBEX_ResponseToString not know it?

I may try test this next and post the output.

thanks and regards

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