[systemd-devel] Collection of Unit Files available?

Marius Tolzmann tolzmann at molgen.mpg.de
Thu Dec 2 12:45:10 PST 2010

Hi there..

I am new to systemd and I try to update our LinuxFromScratch based 
distribution to use systemd, because i really like the ideas and 
concepts mentioned in Lennarts blog posts..

It already boots up and starts the essential services which are 
distributed with the systemd-source-tar-file.. but i have trouble fully 
understanding the dependency graphs in systemd and to write my own units 
since my units sometimes behave weird..

To make a long story short.. is there a collection of systemd-units for 
some standard daemon starting with syslog, nfs, ssh or even higher level 
daemons like bind, mysql, postfix, apache, etc.

I found some gentoo-webpages where some units are described and i 
already got some services working fine, but i don't know if thats the 
way it is supposed to be done and i am sure that some can be configured 
via socket activation and so use the full power of systemd..

At least a syslog unit explaining how to take over the socket of the 
contributed systemd-kmsg-thing with another syslog.service and by doing 
this stopping the systemd-kmsg-thing (in a way it is intended to be 
done) would be very helpful..

kind regards,
	Marius Tolzmann..

p.s.: i haven't found another list so i hope systemd-devel is fine for 
the moment to ask some questions? 8)

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