[systemd-devel] Collection of Unit Files available?

Tomasz Torcz tomek at pipebreaker.pl
Thu Dec 2 23:41:43 PST 2010

On Thu, Dec 02, 2010 at 09:45:10PM +0100, Marius Tolzmann wrote:
> To make a long story short.. is there a collection of systemd-units
> for some standard daemon starting with syslog, nfs, ssh or even
> higher level daemons like bind, mysql, postfix, apache, etc.

  Those unit should be shipped by upstream daemons.  It is the case in
for example dbus.  Until it happens you need to take unit files from
downstream distribution packages.  Fedora tracks unit files effort here:

Tomasz Torcz               "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station
xmpp: zdzichubg at chrome.pl    wagon filled with backup tapes." -- Jim Gray

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