Running a systemd-based Gentoo system

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri barbieri at
Wed Sep 8 06:47:18 PDT 2010

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 6:19 AM, Fabian Henze <flyser42 at> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 8. September 2010, 06:30:14 schrieb Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri:
>>  - calling any of /etc/init.d scripts is bad, as it will call openrc
>> and it will bring all dependencies on its own, including services
>> managed by systemd that are up already. This means we better disable
>> sysv support there (more on this later).
> Maybe basic would be a good idea? It doesn't have to work for all
> the initscripts out there, but at least a good percentage. Then one has to
> "fix" only a few packages with complex init scripts.

Maybe, but in another era... not now. Maybe when we want to push it as
the Gentoo default and want to provide a fallback to old ebuilds.

Note that my current goal is to have it working good for my needs and
understand/test systemd in the process, later I'll focus on making it
generic and just then aim for upstream inclusion at Gentoo side.

You have to consider the way Gentoo works. It's 100% community based,
so things take long to discuss and quite frankly these days everything
turns into endless unproductive flamewars. Secondly, fortunately
contrasts with the first, it's close to "Linux from Scratch" and you
have to do and maintain lots of stuff for yourself, particularly the
low levels (kernel, openrc, ...) and that leaves a door for people to
try different things without having them to be agreed by core devs.

So my desire is: once we have couple of systems working flawlessly and
we have some packages being upstreamed to cope well with systemd, we
go and request these servers to provide IUSE=systemd. This is simple
and I don't see why they would not provide such simple option for us.
With this option things are much, much easier to maintain and then we
can claim for inclusion of SystemD as OpenRC replacement (this would
be more a documentation and political work).

> Could you upload your ebuilds and patches somewhere? Maybe in a
> project and/or as a portage overlay? I am also interested in systemd in gentoo
> and it would be nice, if I (and others) wouldn't have to redo all these steps.
> In addition, this could improve collaboration among gentoos systemd users.

I'm uploading them to but it
is very, very simple and does not cope with layman or passes repoman
rules. It is also mixed with other packages I use personally.    As I
said, later on I'll post working packages to and
update the wiki page.   I'm not adding the extra units/services there
yet but I can mail them if you wish (before making them public I'd
like to see some review from systemd-devel)


Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri embedded systems
MSN: barbieri at
Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (19) 9225-2202

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