[systemd-devel] (newbie) question: dependency on ldap/kerberos

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Jun 15 13:23:41 PDT 2011

On Wed, 15.06.11 21:42, Josh Geisser (josh at gebaschtel.ch) wrote:

> I think I understand the .target and .wants in the meanwhile, so I
> gave up with trying achieving the exact same as before :)
> I see the advantage of systemd. What I basically want is to make samba
> dependent on my own 'check-ad-avail.target', which depends on network.

You can do this by playing a symlink onto your target into

> What I failed yet is to actually assemble what I've been used with
> /etc/init.d/myrcscript [start|stop|status] into a .target, but that'll
> take another weekend of trial'n'error with VirtualBox and some custom
> RC scripts, and getting a bit used to systemd.
> Do you have a good page translating "how in  RH/SuSE/Ubuntu/SUN/AIX/...,  so in systemd "? howto for unix operators?





Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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