[systemd-devel] user space boot time < 1s (was: Parallel startup with sockets and without killing the machine?)

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon May 9 13:17:05 PDT 2011

On Mon, 09.05.11 21:29, Paul Menzel (paulepanter at users.sourceforge.net) wrote:

> Am Montag, den 09.05.2011, 20:04 +0200 schrieb Lennart Poettering:
> […]
> > We can now boot a reasonably complete GNOME userspace in less than
> > 1s.
> Is there a demo image for that? What are the hardware specs?

No image. Measured on Kay's X300 (a few years old) with SSD, a few weeks
ago. It's a OpenSUSE with a number of fixes and cleanups.

Note that these results are fluctuating. i.e. you won't get the exact
same results on each boot. Also: by bringing up userspace I was simply
referring to the time systemd spends doing that. What the services still
do is ignored by this value. it's just that systemd goes idle, and its
queues are empty and fully dispatched.

> Will you be on the LinuxTag? coreboot will be demoing systems, e. g.,
> Lenovo X60/T60, where hardware initialization is also done in less than
> one second [1]. Maybe we could demo a system with less than two seconds
> from button push to a GNOME system? That would be good publicity.

I'll be at LinuxTag, I live in Berlin. But quite frankly I won't have
the time to do spend time on that, sorry.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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