[systemd-devel] openvpn: tap0 & br0 missing

Michael D. Berger m.d.berger at ieee.org
Mon Nov 21 10:18:08 PST 2011

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> systemd-devel-bounces+m.d.berger=ieee.org at lists.freedesktop.or
> g 
> [mailto:systemd-devel-bounces+m.d.berger=ieee.org at lists.freede
sktop.org] On Behalf Of Michael D. Berger
> Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 14:51
> To: systemd-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
> Subject: [systemd-devel] openvpn: tap0 & br0 missing
> On F16_64, using the same config files that work on CentOS 5 
> (with eth0 changed to p2p1), and starting openvpn as 
> previously discussed, the vpn_log shows a good start with 
> tap0 opened, but ifconfig shows neither tap0 nor br0, with 
> malfunction as would be expected from their absence.
> I saw some warnings from NetworkManager (which I don't use on 
> the old box) so I shut it off, but it didn't help.
> If you think that this is not a systemd problem, please let 
> me know, and I'll post it elsewhere.
> Thanks,
> Mike.
> --
> Michael D. Berger
> m.d.berger at ieee.org
> http://www.rosemike.net/

It appears that, unlike the SysV control script, the systemd version 
calls neither bridge-start nor bridge-stop.  If I do that myself,
openvpn works.

Given this, and the as yet unresolved problem I
have with httpd not starting, I think that I
will write my own startup script controlled by
a .service file.

What might I put in the .service file to assure that
my script is run as late in the startup sequence as
possible? I'm thinking about a "sleep 1" at the
beginning of the script itself.


Michael D. Berger
m.d.berger at ieee.org

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