[systemd-devel] Restart and RestartSec in packaged .service files

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu Sep 1 02:42:51 PDT 2011

Am 01.09.2011 11:37, schrieb "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson":
> On 09/01/2011 09:19 AM, Albert Strasheim wrote:
>> Hello all
>> I was wondering if there is some kind of guideline about whether
>> packaged .service files in Fedora, etc. should specify Restart=,
>> RestartSec=, etc.
>> Most of the system services shipped with Fedora are quite stable, but
>> it might be could to have Restarts in place for services that crash
>> once every few weeks, or that fall prey to the OOM killer or a
>> mistyped kill command.
> These options along with bunch of other once is something that Admins should put in themselves and with my admin
> hat on it simply is not enough just to add Restart=, RestartSec because you do want to get notified when they fall
> over for example and have systemd take potentially other actions if that's the case

yes and that is why "systemd" should generate a notify-mail to root as
self-written scripts are doing since years so they could be really
replaced with systemd - the silent restart is a unfinished thought

also having the restart-options but no way to set them without
override the whole .service file is simply a unfinished design

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