[systemd-devel] How do I disable old init.d scripts?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Jun 27 02:13:54 PDT 2012

On Mon, 25.06.12 21:33, Paul Menzel (paulepanter at users.sourceforge.net) wrote:

> > This hookup is currently missing for Debian, but I'd be willing to merge a
> > patch for that.
> If I am not mistaken, Debian uses `update-rc.d` for that purpose.
> Does someone know if it is feasible to just change the one variable (and
> options) containing the path to the utilities and reuse the error
> handling or will that not work?

I'd be careful. While the code for update-rc.d would probably look very
similar, you'd need to make sure that the error codes returned by
update-rc.d match, and you handle stuff such as --root= and things like

The patch shouldn't be hard, but needs some care to be taken.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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