[systemd-devel] `systemd-analyze blame`indicates GDM3 takes longer to start with service file than with init.d script

Paul Menzel paulepanter at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jun 25 06:33:51 PDT 2012

Dear systemd folks,

after a system start I save the output of `systemd-anlyze blame`.

With Debian Sid/unstable, GDM 3.4.1 and the shipped init.d script on
average it took about 120 ms. For example:

    124ms gdm3.service

Adding the following service file

        $ more /lib/systemd/system/gdm3.service[Unit]
        Description=GNOME Display Manager
        ExecStart=/usr/sbin/gdm3 --nodaemon

I now get 190 ms on average, for example:

    188ms gdm3.service

Can you think of a reason for that? It should at least not take more
time, should not it?


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