[systemd-devel] Someone working on gui for multiseat?

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Jan 23 02:39:46 PST 2013

'Twas brillig, and Stef Bon at 23/01/13 10:28 did gyre and gimble:
> what should the gui toolkit be? Gtk3? I prefer that over qt, which is
> not my favorite.
> And is there a location to store the project? I can of course get one at
> github or something like that, but maybe there is a better one?

Safe to say that would be in alignment with Lennart's own general
feelings! But ultimately it would be down to the author.

Some might argue that using some kind of abstraction system might be
beneficial here (i.e. something like libyui which can target Gtk, Qt or
curses interfaces), but that would essentially mean your app will always
be a kind of "standalone" tool - the benefit being it is "cross
desktop", but the drawback being it won't be super nicely integrated
with any of the desktops.

So perhaps it would make sense to look at implementing the GUI as a
component that will eventually be part of the GNOME systemsettings? i.e.
make a bold statement about where it should live. If it proves to be
useful and popular, then some KDE/Qt centric folks may port it to their
system settings GUI too.

As it's mostly API based, I don't think this porting gives too much of
an overhead.

But I guess it all depends on how you see it being used!



Colin Guthrie

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  Tribalogic Limited http://www.tribalogic.net/
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