[systemd-devel] seat-master example

Tom Gundersen teg at jklm.no
Sun Jun 2 06:32:15 PDT 2013

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 3:07 PM, Floris <jkfloris at dds.nl> wrote:
> And what should I add if I didn't use a mainline graphics driver or a driver
> that taints the kernel?

Then you'll need to add a rule equivalent to

SUBSYSTEM=="graphics", KERNEL=="fb[0-9]*", TAG+="seat", TAG+="master-of-seat"

but replace fb[0-9] with whatever your device is (which depends on
your hardware/driver). Ideally your distro would ship the correct
rules file with the driver...

> ...
> In other words, yes I use the proprietary drivers from nvidia. I know it is
> almost a
> curse to say. And that the nvidia corporation s*cks, that Linus give them
> the
> finger and so on. But I also belief that the power of the open source
> community/ software
> is the possibility to work around these issues and be smarter and wiser.
> ...

Nothing wrong with that, allowing proprietary/external drivers to work
is the reason this tag was added in the first place.


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