[systemd-devel] Newbie question - Requires doesn't work properly

David Timothy Strauss david at davidstrauss.net
Wed Nov 20 22:36:14 PST 2013

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:33 PM, salil GK <gksalil at gmail.com> wrote:
>     3. One more use case I can think of is - if the process fail to send
> heartbeat message ( WATCHDOG ) for some time and later it starts sending -
> because of some time. So during the time WATCHDOG notification is missing
> process can be marked as failed and the moment notification start coming,
> can it be marked as active-running ?

I'm not sure, but this would be easy to test. You could also restart
on failed watchdog if you want systemd to react.

>     4. Is there way systemd can notify me in case a watchdog timeout happens
> for a service - like systemd calls some program or write to some socket etc.
> So basically in case any service fails because of watchdog timeout, I would
> like to know asynchronously. Is there any way I can configure this.

We typically poll systemctl --failed periodically as part of our monitoring.

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