[systemd-devel] making a python daemon both systemd and el5 compatible

Greg Swift gregswift at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 09:20:46 PST 2014

I'm working on a small daemon[1] that doesn't do a whole lot, but we need
it to work on RHEL5+.  Going out of the gate I want to ensure it also works
with systemd, since i want it to be usable on fedora and el7.

This stackoverflow[2] has a method, but then mentions some compatibility
problems with the library it recommends that seem like it will not make it
to friendly back to el5.

In the interm I was going to try leveraging cherrypy's bits (PIDFile and
Daemonize), but they aren't backwards compatible to EL5, so we have to fix

I tried to find some place where this was mentioned or recommended but my
google-fu failed me.

Do you have any recommendations or a existing python daemon that you could
point me at that has similar needs?

thank you very much

greg swift

[1] https://github.com/rackerlabs/plight
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