[systemd-devel] [PATCH 1/1] Allow systemd to run without assigning container to machine.slice

Daniel J Walsh dwalsh at redhat.com
Fri Jan 31 08:34:03 PST 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 01/31/2014 11:20 AM, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 10:51:22AM -0500, Daniel J Walsh wrote:
>>>> Currently docker uses lxc tools under the covers to launch the
>>>> container, we want to add a plugin to use systemd-nspawn.
>>>> docker -> systemd-nspawn -> container
>>>> But we want the docker, systemd-nspawn and the container all affected
>>>> by any Cgroup entries in the unit file.  So I want the container to
>>>> run as a service slice not a machine slice.
>>> And if you specify --slice=system-<something>.slice, doesn't this do
>>> the job?
>> How would the docker command know what slice to assign it to?  Why not
>> just eliminate systemd-nspawn doing anything with slices if I pass the
>> service flag or some other flag.
> It's not possible to disable slices, nspawn will always end up in some
> slice.
> The docker command already needs to know about systemd-nspawn to launch
> it. So it can just give the --slice option. If you want this to be part of
> the /system slice, than anything like --slice=system-<container-id>.slice
> will be fine. And the limits can be set on the slice as wanted. Note that
> the slice unit doesn't have to "exist", it will be created when
> referenced.
> Zbyszek
I know it has to be in a slice, I just want it to stay in the same slice that
the docker command is in.

If I could run --slice=current that would be fine.

If I create the httpd_container.service, it will create the
service-httpd_container.slice and docker will run there.  I want
systemd-nspawn and more importantly the container processes to stay in
httpd_containe.slice.  I guess I could get docker to check which slice it is
in, if that was possible, but I see no reason why we can not stop doing
"slice" stuff in systemd-nspawn, if a user wants it to run within his current
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