[systemd-devel] Shutdown problems

Nikolaus Rath Nikolaus at rath.org
Thu Nov 6 19:07:46 PST 2014


I'm having some trouble shutting down my system with systemd. What
happens is the following:

 * If I execute "systemctl reboot" while a text console is active,
   everything works fine.

 * If I execute "systemctl reboot" while the X11 console is active, the
   system hangs (I tried waiting up to 7 minutes). Furthermore, I am
   unable to switch to another console with Ctrl+Alt+Fn, the computer
   becomes unresponsive to the keyboard and the monitor powers down.

On which tty/pty systemctl itself is executed does not matter (I tested
this by running systemctl in an ssh session from a remote system), it
only matters which console is currently active.

I tried the debugging technique from
http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/Debugging/#index2h1 and
created a file debug.sh in /lib/systemd/system-shutdown with permisson
755 and the following contents:

$ cat /lib/systemd/system-shutdown/debug.sh 
exec > /shutdown.log
exec 2>&1
mount -o remount,rw /
echo stdout
echo stderr >&2
systemctl list-jobs
systemctl status
echo done
mount -o remount,ro /

However, no file /shutdown.log is created after reboot. I also tried
placing debug.sh in /usr/lib/systemd/system-shutdown instead (this is a
Debian system), but this did not work either.

I also tried enabling the debug-shell, but this did not help because I
can't access tty9 when the hang occurs.

I also tried running an sshd process in the debug shell (to see if I can
still reach the system remotely when it hangs), but the connection got
closed when I ran the systemctl command - why might that be? I had hoped
that processes spawned from the debug-shell would not get killed?

I am using systemd 215-5+b1 on Debian jessie. I also have plymouth

Anyone able to help?

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