[systemd-devel] Hackfest at FOSDEM 2015?

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Thu Nov 20 09:11:32 PST 2014

Lennart Poettering wrote on 20/11/14 11:44:
> Heya,
> Marco D'Itri was asking about a potential hackfest at FOSDEM 2015 in
> Brussels. I am all for it, but we'd really need somebody to organize
> it, i.e. find a room for us. 
> Anyone volunteering for this?
> Harald, any chance you can pick this up?
> Last time we met at a hackcenter in Brussels which had no heating. It
> was frickin' cold and I'd rather not repeat that exact experience,
> hence I was wondering if we could try to find a room at the uni
> instead.
> And when shall we do the hackfest? We could:
> a) do it one day before FOSDEM, i.e. Fri 27th Jan 2015
> b) do it one day after FOSDEM, i.e. Mon 2nd Feb 2015
> c) during FOSDEM?
> I think c) would not be a good option given how packed the FOSDEM
> schedule anyway is. I have a slight preference for a) given that at
> that point people won't be under the effect of Beglian Beer that much
> yet.

I'm open to either, with a very slight preference for after FOSDEM, but
before works too.

Getting dates soon would be nice tho', so I can book flights and book
accommodation etc.




Colin Guthrie

Day Job:
  Tribalogic Limited http://www.tribalogic.net/
Open Source:
  Mageia Contributor http://www.mageia.org/
  PulseAudio Hacker http://www.pulseaudio.org/
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