[systemd-devel] Native Journal source vs syslog forwarding

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Sun Nov 30 15:25:49 PST 2014

On Fri, 28.11.14 15:13, Gergely Nagy (algernon at madhouse-project.org) wrote:

> >>>>> "Martin" == Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at ubuntu.com> writes:
>     Martin> So we either need the journal.conf.d/ feature and have journal-pulling
>     Martin> sysloggers disable forwarding along the way, or we need to wait until
>     Martin> all packaged sysloggers can read from the journal before we turn off
>     Martin> forwarding by default.
> For what its worth, syslog-ng upstream suggested another solution, that
> appears to fix the issue (but I've yet to test it myself): if the
> syslog-ng.service file does *not* Require=syslog.socket, then the
> syslog.socket does not get started, and if it doesn't get started, the
> journal will not do forwarding, either, and thus, the error messages
> disappear too.

Ah, yeah! It shouldn't require it. If it pulls it in, that's what it gets...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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