[systemd-devel] Dedicated cgroups for a user

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu Oct 2 00:10:46 PDT 2014

1;3409;0cOn Thu, 25.09.14 13:10, Naoki Kawakami (dolenin at parallels.com) wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to find a way for a user to be assigned a dedicated cgroup under
> each of the controllers.

Each user currently gets a "slice" unit of his own, and you can set
certain resource settings on it that have the effect of adding the
processes in it to a specific cgroup hierarchy.

However, there's not direct cgroup control available anymore, we do
not expose a way to explicitly enable cgroup controls for user söoces
or sessions scopes.

Also, there's no way to generically make settings for all users
currently, only per-user.

What are you trying to do specifically? Why do you need this functionality?

> and so that each group was owned by this UID 1000.

This is not really safe. We do not support this.

> There is ubuntu hack called systemd-shim that seems to be doing just this,
> but I was wondering if it is possible to achieve the same with systemd
> configuration.

No, this is not supported. The cgroup hierarchy should really only
have one writer, not many.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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