[systemd-devel] [feature request] allow instances in file.preset

Damien Robert damien.olivier.robert at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 10:18:31 PDT 2014

>From Lennart Poettering, Thu 02 Oct 2014 at 16:48:19 (+0200) :
> Well, but from somewhere systemctl preset-all needs to be able to
> discover the "bar" string... How is that supposed to work?
> preset-all just enumerates all unit files that are installed and
> enables/disables them according to the preset file. But this means it
> would only find the template, and the instance would have to come from
> somewhere else, but where?

>From the preset file? I agree that since the enable/disable directive
denotes glob, they are not well suited for instances services. Maybe add a
new directive:
instanciate foo at bar.service
uninstanciate foo at bar.service
(the uninstanciate is because disable does not disable instancied service
for the same reason enable doe not enable them).

I do not feel too strongly on this feature, afterwards it might as well be
easier to call systemctl enable directly...

Damien Robert

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