[systemd-devel] How soon after login can I rely on systemd --user having reached sockets.target?
Damien Robert
damien.olivier.robert+gmane at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 05:57:19 PDT 2014
Lennart Poettering wrote in message <20141020173828.GA4509 at gardel-login>:
> They should probably adopt socket activation anyway, otherwise they'd
> be quite annoying on multi-user systems if lingering is used.
I am brainstorming here, but would it make sense to add hooks to logind
when a session is started/closed (both system hooks and user hooks)?
For instance when I log into X, my .xprofile contains
systemctl --no-block --user start "xsession@${DISPLAY}.target"
to start my user services.
I need to make sure that everyway I have to log into X (with a *DM, with
startx, with xinit) I somehow source .xprofile.
Stopping the started services also involve some contorsion. When I quit X
most of the services started by xsession@$DISPLAY fails because X is no
longer available, and I don't want systemd to try to restart them in this
case. So I need to stop these services whenever X exits.
So inside xsession at .target, I launch xwatch at .service:
Description=Watch for X on display %I
BindsTo=xsession at .target
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'exec %h/mine/script/services/xwatch %I'
WantedBy=xsession at .target
with $ cat ~/script/services/xwatch
xprop -spy -root XFree86_VT
systemctl --user stop "xsession@$1.target"
So whenever my X session stops, xwatch will stop xsession@$DISPLAY.target,
and thus stop all services files that I configured to be PartOf
xsession at .target. For instance xcompmgr at .service:
Description=xcompmgr on display %I
PartOf=xsession at .target
WantedBy=xsession at .target
Also=xwatch at .service
It works really well, I can even log onto different X sessions and have the
corresponding services launched into the different $DISPLAY, but having
some close hooks in logind would help getting rid of xwatch.service.
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