[systemd-devel] Question about relationship between systemd v219 and kernel version.

Greg KH gregkh at linuxfoundation.org
Tue Apr 7 23:53:03 PDT 2015

On Tue, Apr 07, 2015 at 05:41:48PM -0700, Dimitri John Ledkov wrote:
> On 6 April 2015 at 01:12, Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net> wrote:
> > On Mon, 06.04.15 06:17, 임창근 (ck21.im at samsung.com) wrote:
> >
> >> Hello EveryOne.
> >>
> >> I wonder that If I use kernel v3.4 with systemd v219, systemd-run function is work or not.
> >> Because My target have kernel v3.4 and systemd v216.
> >
> > Please check the README shipped in the tarball, it always lists the
> > minimal kernel version systemd requires. For 219 the minimal kernel
> > version is 3.7.
> >
> I was meant to ask a while back, would it be possible to have degraded
> systemd for lower kernels? Quite a few current Android-like phones
> will be stuck on 3.4 forever, e.g. those that are shipping SailfishOS
> / Ubuntu for Phones / etc. Thus support for 3.4 is desirable to be
> maintained, because of the Android phones.

I'd recommend taking the time and effort to just forward port the kernel
for those devices, considering it's quite out of date and insecure

Or do the work yourself to backport systemd (hint, it might be harder
than you think, which is why the dependancy is there...)

> At the moment this essentially blocks converting all Ubuntu flavours
> to systemd.

"all"?  Ubuntu ships newer kernels than 3.4, if not, please take it up
with that vendor, it's not the community's job to support obsolete,
years-old software that everyone has moved on from a long time ago for
very good reasons.

Remember, never ask a community member to support a business decision of
a company, unless you want to show a lack of understanding as to how
community-driven software development works.

good luck,

greg k-h

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